
How To Find Baud Rate Of Serial Port Windows

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Serial Terminal Overview

COM ports. Baud rate. Flow command. Tx. Rx. These are all words that get thrown effectually a lot when working with electronics, particularly microcontrollers. For someone who isn't familiar with these terms and the context in which they are used, they can be confusing at times. This tutorial is hither to help you empathise what these terms mean and how they form the larger picture that is series communication over a terminal.

In short, serial terminal programs make working with microcontrollers that much simpler. They let you to see data sent to and from your microcontroller, and that data can be used for a number of reasons including troubleshooting/debugging, advice testing, calibrating sensors, configuring modules, and data monitoring. Once you have learned the ins and outs of a final application, it can be a very powerful tool in your electronics and programming arsenal.

Covered in this Tutorial

In that location are lots of different terminal programs out at that place, and they all have their pros and cons. In this tutorial we volition hash out what a terminal is, which last programs are best suited for sure situations and operating systems, and how to configure and apply each program.

Suggested Reading

You should exist familiar with these topics earlier diving into this tutorial. If you need a refresher, experience free to pop on over to these links. Nosotros'll be right here waiting.

  • Serial Communication
  • Analog vs Digital
  • Binary
  • Hexadecimal
  • Installing FTDI Drivers
  • RS-232 vs TTL Serial Communication
  • Logic Levels
  • Connector Basics particularly the USB section

What is a Concluding?

Terminal emulators go by many names, and, due to the varied apply of the give-and-take terminal, there can often be some confusion virtually what someone means when they say final. Permit'south clear that upward.

Brief History

To sympathise the use of the word last, nosotros must visit the not so afar past. Back when computers where large, bulky, and took up unabridged rooms, there were merely a scattering of ways to interface with them. Punch cards and paper tape reels where 1 such interface, but there was besides what was known as a terminal that was used for entering and retrieving data. These terminals came in many form factors, but they shortly began to resemble what would become their personal computer descendants. Many consisted of a keyboard and a screen. Terminals that could display text only were referred to as text terminals, and later came graphical terminals. When discussing terminal emulators, it's these terminal of days by that are beingness referenced.

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An OG final

Modern Terminals

Today, terminal programs are "emulating" the experience that was working on ane of these terminals. They are known as emulators, applications, programs, terms, TTYs, and so on. For the purposes of this tutorial, simply the word concluding will be used. Many terminals utilise to emulate specific types of computer terminals, merely today, nearly terminals are more generic in their interface.

When working on a modern operating arrangement, the word terminal window volition often be used to describe working within one of these applications. And, often, when reading other tutorials and hookup guides, you lot will exist requested to open a terminal window. Just know that means to open whichever one of these terminals programs strikes your fancy.

It is besides worth noting that many final programs are capable of much more than just serial communication. Many have network advice capabilities such as telnet and SSH. However, this tutorial will non cover these features.

Terminal vs Command Line

A terminal is not a command prompt, though the two are somewhat similar. In Mac Bone, the command prompt is even called Terminal. Hence the confusion when using that word. Regardless, you can perform some of the aforementioned tasks in a control prompt that you lot could also perform inside a terminal window, merely it doesn't work the other mode around; you cannot result command line statements within a terminal window. We will go over how to create a serial last connection within a control line interface later in this tutorial. For at present, just know how to distinguish between the two.

Basic Terminology

Hither are some terms yous should be familiar with when working within a serial terminal window. Many of these terms are covered in a lot more detail in our Serial Communication tutorial. It highly recommended that you read that folio likewise to become the total moving picture.

ASCII - Brusque for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange's graphic symbol encoding scheme, ASCII encodes special characters from our keyboards and converts them to seven-bit binary integers that can be recognized by a number of programs and devices. ASCII charts are very helpful when working with serial terminals.

Baud Rate - In brusque, baud rate is how fast your data is being transmitted and received. 9600 is the standard rate, merely other speeds are typical amongst certain devices. Simply remember that all the links in your chain of communication accept to be "speaking" at the same speed, otherwise data volition be misinterpreted on one terminate or the other.

Transmit (TX) - Too known every bit Data Out or TXO. The TX line on any device is there to transmit data. This should be hooked up to the RX line of the device with which you would like to communicate.

Receive (RX) - Also known as Data In or RXI. The RX line on whatsoever device is there to receive data. This should be hooked up to the TX line of the device with which you would like to communicate.

COM Port (Serial Port) - Each device you connect to your computer volition be assigned a specific port number. This helps to place each device connected. In one case a device has a port assigned to it, that port volition exist used every time that device is plugged into the computer.

Your device volition bear witness up on your computer every bit either COM# (if yous're on a Windows machine) or /dev/tty.usbserial-######## (if yous're on a Mac/Linux computer), where the #'s are unique numbers or alphabetic characters.

TTY - TTY stands for teletypewriter or teletype. Much like last is synonymous with the terminals of erstwhile, then too is teletype. These were the electromechanical typewriters used to enter information to the final and, thus, to the mainframe. When working with terminals on Mac and Linux, yous will frequently run across tty used to represent a communication port rather than 'COM port'.

Data, Stop, and Parity Bits - Each packet of information sent to and from the terminal has a specific format. These formats can vary, and the settings of your last tin be adjusted appropriately to piece of work with different packet configurations. One of the most mutual configurations yous'll see is viii-N-1, which translates to eight data bits, no parity scrap, and one stop bit.

Flow Command - Flow command is decision-making the charge per unit at which data is sent between devices to ensure that the sender is not sending data faster than the receiver tin can receive the information. In well-nigh applications used throughout these tutorials, yous will not need to use flow command. The flow control may besides be present in the shorthand notation: 8-N-i-None, which stands for no flow control.

Carriage Render & Line Feed - Wagon return and line feed are the ASCII characters sent when you press the enter key on your keyboard. These terms take roots from the days of typewriters. Wagon return meant the carriage holding the paper would render to the starting point of that item line. Line feed (aka new line) meant the carriage should motion to the next line to prevent typing over the previous line.

When typing on a modern keyboard, these terms still utilise. Every time you press enter (or render) yous are telling your cursor to motion down to the next line and motion to the beginning of that new line.

Consulting our handy-dandy ASCII table, we tin can see that the character for line feed is 10 (0x0A in hex) and carriage return is xiii (0x0D in hex). The importance of these two characters cannot be stressed enough. When working in a last window you'll often demand to exist enlightened of which of these ii characters, if not both, are being used to emulate the enter primal. Some devices merely need ane character or the other to know that a command has been sent. More importantly, when working with microcontrollers, be enlightened of how you are sending data. If a string of 5 characters needs to be sent to the micro, you may need a cord that can really concur 7 characters on account of the 10 and 13 sent later every command.

Local Echo - Local echo is a setting that can exist inverse in either the serial final or the device to which you are talking, and sometimes both. This setting simply tells the terminal to print everything you type. The do good from this is existence able to come across if you are in fact typing the correct commands should y'all encounter errors. Be aware, though, that sometimes local echo can come back to seize with teeth you. Some devices will interpret local echo as double type. For example, if you type hello with local repeat on, the receiving device might see hheelllloo, which is likely non the correct command. Most devices tin handle commands with or without local repeat. Merely be aware that this can be an issue.

Serial Port Profile (SPP) - The Serial Port Contour is a Bluetooth contour that allows for series communication between a Bluetooth device and a host/slave device. With this profile enabled, you can connect to a Bluetooth module through a serial concluding. This can exist used for configuration purposes or for communication purposes. While not exactly pertinent to this tutorial, it'southward all the same good to know well-nigh this profile if you desire to apply Bluetooth in a project.

Connecting to Your Device

Now that y'all know what a terminal is and the lingo that comes with the territory, it's time to hook up a device and communicate with it. This folio volition show you how to connect a device, how to detect which port it has been assigned, and how to communicate over that port.

What You'll Need

For this case you'll need

  • An FTDI Bones - 5V or iii.3V will work fine. Yous can also use an FTDI Cable if that's all you take.
  • A USB Mini-B Cable - (Not necessary if you have an FTDI Cablevision.)
  • A jumper wire - Most FTDI products have female person headers, so a male-to-male jumper cable should suffice. Or, yous could simply use a piece of wire that is stripped on both ends.

Discovering Your Device

Once yous have all your supplies ready, adhere the FTDI Basic to the USB cable, and attach the cable to your computer. If this is the get-go fourth dimension y'all've plugged in a device of this nature into your computer, yous may need to install the drivers. If this is the case, visit our FTDI Driver Installation Guide. If the drivers are all up to appointment, carry on.

Depending on which operating organisation you're using, there are a few dissimilar ways to discover which port your device has been assigned.

Device Manger (Windows)

No matter which version of Windows you lot have, you have a program chosen Device Manager. To open up device manger, open the start carte, and type


into the search bar. Press enter, and it'll open right upwardly. Or, y'all tin can right-click on MyComputer, select Backdrop, and open up the Device Manger from there (Windows 7). If you intend on using your computer to communicate with several series devices, it may be worth creating a desktop shortcut to Device Manger.

Once you've got Device Manger open, aggrandize the Ports tab. Hither is where the data nosotros need lives.

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In this prototype, nosotros accept just a few COM Ports showing up. The first thing to know is that COM1 is ALWAYS reserved for the true Serial Port, not USB. You lot know those grey, bulky cables, which have a DB9 connectedness on each end. Yeah, that serial port. Many computers (specially laptops) no longer accept serial ports, and they are becoming obsolete in exchange for more USB ports. Nevertheless, the OS nevertheless reserves COM1 for that port for people who still have an truthful serial port on their computer.

Another port that is likely to show up on most computers is LPT1. This is reserved for the parallel port. Parallel ports and cables are condign fifty-fifty more than obsolete than serial cables, but, once more, many computers still accept these ports (they're often used to connect to printers) and accept to accommodate for that in the OS.

With those out of the style, we tin focus on the ports that nosotros exercise need to employ. Now with your FTDI plugged in, you should encounter a new COM port get added to the list.

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Typically, your reckoner will enumerate your devices. For instance, if this is the first series communication device you lot've plugged into your computer, information technology should enumerate as COM2. On my reckoner this is the not the first device I've plugged in, but rather the 8th, then it has enumerated as COM9 (don't forget about COM1).

What'south of import to know is that once a device has been associated with your figurer and has had a port assigned to information technology, the computer volition recollect that device every time information technology's attached. So, if you have an Arduino board that has been assigned COM4 for instance, it is not necessary to open Device Manger and check which COM port it is on every time, because that device will now ever be on COM4. This can be good and bad. Most people will never plug more than a couple dozen serial devices into their computers. However, some people will plug in lots of devices, and your computer can merely assign so many ports (256 if I remember correctly). Thus, it may be necessary to delete some COM ports. Nosotros will hash out that in the tips and tricks section.

If yous do have multiple devices and are non sure which device is the one yous merely plugged in, unplug it, watch for whichever COM port disappears, and then plug it dorsum in. The COM port should reappear letting you know that'south the device you're looking for.

One final thing to mention is that all series devices, fifty-fifty if they crave different drivers, volition show upward every bit COM ports in Windows. For instance, an Arduino Uno and the FTDI Basic both have different drivers and are technically two unlike types of devices. Windows doesn't discriminate. It will treat both devices the same, and all you have to worry about is with which COM port information technology'southward associated. Mac Bone and Linux treat this slightly differently. Read on to find out.

Command Line (Mac, Linux)

Similar to Windows, Mac OS and Linux assign a specific port to every device attached to the computer. However, unlike Windows, at that place is no specific program you can open up up to view all the devices currently attached. Have no fear. At that place is still a unproblematic solution to find y'all device.

The default command line interface for Mac Bone 10 is Terminal. To open it, go to your Utilities binder. At that place you should see the icon for Concluding. I'm going to assume that if you lot're using Linux, you already know how to open a command line window.

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In one case open, you lot should meet the typical last screen.

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To see a listing of all the available Serial ports on both Mac and Linux, type this control:

            ls /dev/tty.*                      

You should now encounter a list of all serial ports on your estimator.

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You'll observe a few Bluetooth ports on at that place. I have several Bluetooth devices paired with my computer, so yous may take more than or less devices that testify up depending on what devices accept been paired with your computer. (Notice the SPP portion of these names. That indicates that Bluetooth device can talk to the serial terminal equally well.)

The of import devices to notation are the tty.usbserial and the tty.usbmodem. For this instance I have both an FTDI Bones and an Arduino Uno plugged into my computer. This is only to show you the fundamental divergence between the two. Equally mentioned earlier, some devices are treated differently depending on how they communicate with the computer. The FT232 IC on the FDTI basic is a true serial device, and, thus, it shows upwardly as usbserial. The Uno on the other hand, is an HID device and shows up as a usbmodem device. The HID (Human Interface Device) profile is used for keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc., and, as an HID device, the figurer treats it slightly different despite the fact that is tin still ship series data. In either case, these tty.usb______ ports are what nosotros're after when connecting to a serial concluding.

Echo Test

With that out of the manner, it'southward time to actually communicate with the FTDI. The specifics of each terminal program will be discussed in the following sections. This case will be shown in CoolTerm, merely be aware that this can be done with any terminal.

Open up a terminal with the correct settings: 9600, 8-N-1-None.

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Make sure local echo is turned off for this test.

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Take your jumper wire and connect it to the TX and RX lines of the FTDI Basic.

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Now type!

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Everything yous blazon should be displayed in the terminal window. It's naught fancy, merely y'all are at present communicating with the last. Information is being sent from your keyboard, to the reckoner, through the USB cable to the FTDI, out the FTDI's TX pin, into the RX pin, back through the USB cable, into the computer, and is finally displayed in the terminal window. Don't believe me? Unplug the jumper and type some more. Pending you lot did turn local repeat off, y'all should non meet anything beingness typed. This is the repeat examination.

Actress Credit

If you lot have two FTDI boards or other like series devices, try hooking up both of them. Connect the TX line of 1 to the RX line of the other and vise versa. Then, open ii series terminal windows (yes, you tin can accept multiple last windows open at once), each continued to a different device. Make sure they are both set to the same baud rate and settings. Then connect, and start typing. What you blazon in one terminal should show upward in the opposite final and vise versa. Yous've just created a very simplistic chat client!

At present permit's explore the unlike final programs.

Arduino Serial Monitor (Windows, Mac, Linux)

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the software side of the Arduino platform. And, considering using a terminal is such a big part of working with Arduinos and other microcontrollers, they decided to included a serial terminal with the software. Within the Arduino environment, this is chosen the Serial Monitor.

Making a Connection

Series monitor comes with whatsoever and all version of the Arduino IDE. To open it, simply click the Serial Monitor icon.

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The icon is located to the right of the other icons in Arduino 0023 and beneath.

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The icon is located to the far right in Arduino 1.0 and beyond.

Selecting which port to open in the Series Monitor is the same equally selecting a port for uploading Arduino code. Go to Tools -> Serial Port, and select the right port.

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Once open, you lot should run into something similar this:

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The Serial Monitor has limited settings, but enough to handle most of your serial communication needs. The first setting you lot tin alter is the baud charge per unit. Click on the baud charge per unit drop-downwardly carte to select the the correct baud charge per unit.

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You lot can also change the enter key emulation to wagon return, line feed, both, or neither.

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Terminal, yous can the the concluding to autoscroll or not by checking the box in the bottom left corner.


  • The Serial Monitor is a great quick and piece of cake way to found a series connection with your Arduino. If you're already working in the Arduino IDE, in that location'southward actually no demand to open up up a separate terminal to display information.


  • The lack of settings leaves much to exist desired in the Serial Monitor, and, for avant-garde serial communications, it may not exercise the fob.

Hyperterminal (Windows)

HyperTerminal is the defacto terminal programme for any Windows Os up to XP -- Windows Vista, seven, and eight don't include it. If you're on Windows Vista, vii, or 8, and really just have to accept HyperTerminal, a little scouring of the Internet should plough upwardly some workarounds. Improve alternatives are more easily available yet- we'll get to those shortly.

If you're on a pre-Vista car, and but have HyperTerminal to work with, here are some tips and tricks for using it:

Initiating a Connexion

When initially opening up HyperTerminal, it will nowadays yous with a "Connection Clarification" dialog. Enter whatever proper name yous please, and, if you really want to get fancy, select your favorite icon. Then hit "OK". (If this window didn't popular upward go to File > New Connection to open information technology.)

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None of the settings in this get-go window have any result on the serial communication.

On the next window, ignore the first three text boxes -- nosotros're not working with a dial-upwardly modem here. Practice select your COM port adjacent to the "Connect using" box. Then striking "OK".

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The settings on the adjacent box should wait pretty familiar. Make sure the "Bits per second" dropdown is set to the correct baud rate. And verify that all of the other settings are correct. Hitting "OK" once everything looks correct at that place.

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It doesn't wait like much, but you at present have an open terminal! Blazon in the blank white expanse to ship information, and anything that is received by the terminal will show up there also.

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Adjusting Settings

There are some limited adjustments we can make to the HyperTerminal UI. To discover them, go to File > Backdrop. Nether the "Settings" tab you'll see nearly of the options.

If you desire to see what y'all're typing in the concluding, you tin turn on local echo. To flip this switch, hit the "ASCII Setup" button, so bank check "Echo typed characters locally".

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The other settings are very specific to formatting how characters are sent or received. For most cases they should be let be.

Those who have used HyperTerminal have either come to have it for what information technology is, or sought out some other -- any other(!) -- terminal programme. It's non peachy for serial communication, simply it does work. Let's explore some of the better alternatives!

Tera Term (Windows)

Tera Term is one of the more popular Windows last programs. It'southward been around for years, it'south open up source, and it'due south simple to use. For Windows users, information technology's i of the best options out there.

You lot tin can download a copy from here. Once you have Tera Term installed, open up it up, and permit'south poke around.

Making a Connexion

You should initially exist presented with a "TeraTerm: New connection" pop-up within the plan. Here, you can select which serial port you'd like to open up upwardly. Select the "Serial" radio button. Then select your port from the drop-down menu. (If this window doesn't open when yous offset TeraTerm, you can go here by going to ****File > New connection..."**.)

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That'll open up up the port. TeraTerm defaults to setting the baud rate at 9600 bps (8-N-1). If you need to conform the series settings, go up to Setup > Serial Port. You'll encounter a window pop up with a lot of familiar looking serial port settings. Adjust what you need to and hit "OK".

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The title of your TeraTerm window should change to something like "COM##:9600baud" -- proficient sign.

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That's well-nigh all in that location is to it. The blank window with the blinking cursor is where data is both sent (past typing it in) and received.

TeraTerm Tips and Tricks

Local Echo

It tin be weird to blazon stuff in the window and not see it testify upwards in the concluding. It'south undoubtedly still flowing through the serial terminal to your device, only it can be difficult to type when you don't have whatever visual feedback for exactly what y'all're typing. You can turn on local repeat by going to the Setup bill of fare and selecting Terminal.

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Check the Local repeat box if you lot'd like to plough the feature on.

There are other settings to be made in this window besides. You can adjust the size of the terminal (the values are in terms of characters per row/column), or adjust how new-lines are displayed (either a carriage return, line feed, or both).

Clear Buffer and Clear Screen

If you want to clear your terminal screen y'all can employ either the "Clear buffer" or "Clear screen" commands. Both are located under the Edit menu.

Clear screen will do just that, bare out the last screen, simply whatsoever data received will all the same exist preserved in the buffer. Whorl up in the window to have another look at it. Clear buffer deletes the entire buffer of received data -- no more data to scroll up to.

Shortcut Keys

Menus are a hurting! If you want to get really fast with TeraTerm, remember some of these shortcuts:

  • ALT+N: Connects to a new serial port.
  • ALT+I: Disconnects from the electric current port.
  • ALT+5: Pastes text from clipboard to the series port (not CTRL+Five).
  • ALT+C: Copy selected text into clipboard (not CTRL+C).
  • CTRL+TAB: Switch between ii TeraTerm windows.

Real-Term (Windows)

TeraTerm is awesome for simple ASCII-just serial last stuff, but what if you need to send a cord of binary values ranging from 0-255? For that, we similar to use RealTerm. RealTerm is designed specifically for sending binary and other difficult-to-type streams of data.

RealTerm is available to download on their SourceForge page.

Setting Upward the Serial Port

When you open RealTerm, you'll exist presented with a blank window like below. The elevation half is where you lot'll blazon data to transport, and it'll too brandish data received. The bottom half is dissever into a number of tabs where nosotros suit all of the settings.

Let's go connected! To begin, navigate to the "Port" tab. On the "Port" dropdown here, select the number of your COM port. Then, make certain the baud rate and other settings are correct. You lot tin select the baud rate from the dropdown, or blazon it in manually.

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With all of those settings adjusted, y'all'll have to click "Open" twice to close and re-open the port (clicking "Change" doesn't work until after you've established a connexion on a COM port).

That'due south all in that location is to that! Blazon stuff in the black ether above to send data, and anything received past the last volition popular upwardly at that place besides.

Sending Sequences of Values

The ability to ship long sequences of binary, hexadecimal, or decimal values is what really sets RealTerm apart from the other last programs we've discussed.

To access this function, head over to the "Send" tab. Then click into either of the ii text boxes next to "Send Numbers". This is where you enter your number sequence, each value separated by a infinite. The numbers can exist a decimal value from 0 to 255, or a hexadecimal value, which are prefixed with either a "0x" or a '$'. Once y'all take your cord typed out, hit "Send Numbers" and away they go!

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Why would yous need this you inquire? Well, let's say y'all had a Series Vii Segment Display hooked upwards to an FTDI Basic, which is connected to your reckoner. This is a pretty cool setup -- you can control a 7-segment display past just typing in your terminal. Simply what if you wanted to dim the brandish? You'd need to send 2 sequential bytes of value 123 and 0. How would you lot do that with the handful of keys on a keyboard? Consulting an ASCII table to match binary values to characters, yous'd have to press DEL for 127 and CTRL+SHIFT+two (^@) for 0...or merely use the "Send" tab in RealTerm!

Adjusting the Display

Just equally you can use RealTerm to send literal binary values, you can also use information technology to display them. On the "Display" tab, under the "Display As" department are a broad array of terminal display choices. You can have data coming in displayed as standard ASCII characters, or y'all can have them show up as hex values, or any number of other display types.

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Incoming bytes are displayed every bit hexadecimal values. Tin you lot decode the secret bulletin?!

RealTerm is preferred for more avant-garde terminal usage. We'll use information technology when we need to send specific bytes, only for more bones concluding applications, TeraTerm is our go-to emulator.

YAT - All the same Another Terminal (Windows)

YAT is a user-friendly and characteristic-rich serial final. Information technology features text as well every bit binary communication, predefined commands, a multiple-document user interface and lots of extras.

YAT is available to download at SourceForge.



YAT features a multiple-document user interface (MDI) that consists of a single workspace with one or more terminals.



Each terminal tin exist configured co-ordinate to the device information technology shall be communicating with. These extra features make a terminal specially easy to use:

  • Text command panel
  • File command listing
  • Unlimited number of predefined commands
  • Drop-downward of contempo commands

Each final has its own monitor to display outgoing and incoming data. The view can be configured as desired:

  • Time postage stamp
  • Line number
  • Stop-of-line sequence
  • Line length
  • Line and bytes transmission rate
  • Chronometer

Most of these features can be enabled and configured, or subconscious for a cleaner and simpler user interface.

Detailed Monitor

Detailed Monitor

Monitor Status

Monitor Status

Terminal Settings

  • Text or binary communication
  • Communication port type:
    • Serial Port (COM)
    • TCP/IP Client, Server or AutoSocket
    • UDP/IP Socket
    • USB serial HID
  • Specifc settings depending on port type

Serial COM Port Settings

Serial COM Port Settings

TCP and UDP Settings

TCP and UDP Settings

USB Serial HID Settings

USB Series HID Settings

Text Terminal Settings

  • Full support of any known ASCII and Unicode encoding
  • End-of-line configuration
    • Predefined and complimentary-text sequences
    • Possibility to define separate EOL for Tx and Rx
  • Transport and receive timing options
  • Character substituion
  • Comment exclusion

Text Terminal Settings

Text Terminal Settings

Binary Terminal Settings

  • Configuration of protocol and line representation
  • Possibility to define separate settings for Tx and Rx

Binary Terminal Settings

Binary Terminal Settings

Advanced Settings

  • Various display options
  • Various avant-garde advice options
  • Specialized communication options for series ports (COM)

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings


  • Escapes for bin/october/dec/hex like \h(4F 4B)
  • Escapes for ASCII controls like <CR><LF> besides equally C-manner \r\northward
  • Special commands such every bit \!(Delay), \!(LineDelay) and \!(LineRepeat)
  • Versatile monitoring and logging of sent and received data
  • Formatting options for excellent readability
  • Powerful keyboard operation including shortcuts for the most important features
  • Versatile shell/PowerShell control line
  • x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) distribution

Predefined Commands

Predefined Commands

Log Settings

Log Settings

Monitor Format

Monitor Format

Change Direction and Support

YAT is fully hosted on SourceForge. Feature Requests and Bug Reports tin be entered into the according tracker. Both trackers can exist filtered and sorted, either using the predefined searches or the list view. Back up is provided past a few simple helps integrated into the awarding, some screenshots on the SourceForge page, and the project's electronic mail if none of the to a higher place can help.


YAT is implemented in C#.NET using Windows.Forms. The source code is implemented in a very modular style. Utilities and I/O sub-systems tin can as well be used independent on YAT, e.g. for any other .NET based awarding that needs series communication, control line treatment or simply a couple of user-friendly utilities. Testing is done using an NUnit based test suite. Project documentation is done in OpenOffice. For more details and contributions to YAT, refer to Help > About.

CoolTerm (Windows, Mac, Linux)

CoolTerm is useful no matter which operating system you're using. However, it is specially useful in Mac Bone where there aren't as many terminal options as at that place are in Windows.

You lot can download the latest version of CoolTerm here.

Making a Connection

Download and open a CoolTerm window.

To change the settings, click the Options icon with the little gear and wrench. You'll be presented with this menu:

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Here, you can select your port, baud rate, chip options, and menstruation control.

Now click on the Concluding tab on the left.

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Here, yous tin change the enter central emulation (carriage return/line feed), plow local echo off or on, and you tin can switch between line mode and raw manner. Line manner doesn't transport data until enter has been pressed. Raw style sends characters directly to the screen.

Once all your setting are correct, the Connect and Disconnect buttons will open up and close the connection. The settings and condition of your connection will be displayed in the lesser left corner.

If yous need to clear the data in the final screen, click the Clear Data icon with the large cherry-red X on it.

If you lot're getting annoyed with not being able to apply the backspace, turn on 'Handle Backspace Graphic symbol' under the Last tab under Options.

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Extended Features

One crawly feature of CoolTerm is Hex View. If you desire to come across the actual hex values of the data yous are sending rather than the ASCII values, Hex View is a tremendous help. Click the View Hex icon. The terminal'south appearance volition change slightly. At present whatever you type will show up as hex and ASCII. The beginning cavalcade is just keeping rail of line numbers. The 2d column is the hex values, and the last cavalcade is the actual ASCII characters you blazon.

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Hither I've typed howdy and \. Discover the 0D and 0A that announced for carriage return and line feed.

To go back to ACSII mode, click the View ASCII icon.

You tin can also use the Send String choice to send entire strings of text. In the connectedness carte, select Send String.

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Y'all should now have a dialog box with which to send your string in hex or ASCII mode.

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ZTerm (Mac)

You can download the latest version of ZTerm here

ZTerm is some other terminal option for Mac users. Compared to CoolTerm, it seems a lot less user friendly, however, once yous find your way around, it's only as useful.

Making a Connectedness

When you first open ZTerm, yous be greeted with this prompt:

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Cull the correct port, and click OK.

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You should at present have a blank concluding window.

*Note: One time you've made a connexion, ZTerm will open the well-nigh recent connectedness every fourth dimension y'all run it. This tin exist annoying if yous have multiple connections available. To become around this car connect, hold down the SHIFT key as y'all start ZTerm. This will bypass the automobile connect and inquire you to which port yous'd like to connect.

One time you're continued, you can modify the terminal settings past going to Settings -> Connection.

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Hither you can change the baud charge per unit (information rate); parity, data, and finish bits; catamenia control; and turn local echo on or off.

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If you lot need to change your port later establishing a connection, go to Settings -> Modem Preferences.

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Choose the correct port under the Serial Port dropdown menu.

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Other Features

ZTerm has lots of other uses for network communication, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

One dainty feature that tin can be used is the macros. Go to Macros -> Edit Macros.

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Here you lot can create macros that send any strings/commands y'all'd similar. Have a control that yous're typing constantly? Brand a macro for it!

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Control Line (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Every bit mentioned earlier, you can apply command line interfaces to create serial connections. The major limiting factor is the lack of connection options. Most of the programs we've discussed then far have a slew of options that you can tweak for your specific connectedness, whereas the command line method is more than of a quick and dirty style of connecting to your device in a pinch. Here's how to accomplish this on the three major operating systems.

Terminal and Screen (Mac, Linux)


Open Last. See the Connecting to Your Device department for directions.

At present type ls /dev/tty.* to run into all bachelor ports.

Y'all can now use the screen command to to establish a simple serial connexion.

Type screen <port_name> <baud_rate> to create a connectedness.

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The terminal volition go blank with just a cursor. You lot are now connected to that port!

To disconnect, type control-a followed by control-\. The screen will then ask if y'all are sure you want to disconnect.

In that location are other options y'all tin control from screen, however it is recommended that you only use this method if you are comfortable with the command line. Type homo screen for a full list of options and commands.


The screen command can also be used in Linux. In that location are only a few variations from the Mac instructions.

If yous do not have screen installed, get information technology with sudo apt-get install screen.

Making a connexion is the aforementioned equally Mac.

To disconnect, type control-a then shift-k.

That'due south all in that location is to it.

MS-DOS Prompt (Windows)

The fastest mode to go to the command line in Windows is to click on the beginning menu, type cmd into the search field, and press Enter.

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This will open up upwardly a blank MS-DOS control line prompt.

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To be able to issue Series commands, y'all must beginning enter PowerShell. Blazon powershell to go into PowerShell control mode.

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To see a list of all the available COM ports, type


You should now come across something like this..

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Now create an instance of the port you desire with this command

            $port= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM#,Baudrate,None,eight,one                      

With that, y'all can now connect to and send information to or from that COM port.

            $ $port.WriteLine("some string") $port.ReadLine() $port.Close()                      

Again, this method of serial advice is only recommended for advanced command line users.

Tips and Tricks

Changing/Deleting COM Ports (Windows)

There may come a fourth dimension when you need a device to exist on a specific COM port. An example of this is, in older versions of TeraTerm, y'all could only connect to COM ports sixteen and below. Thus, if your device was on COM 17, you'd have to alter it to connect to it. This problem has been addressed in newer versions of TeraTerm, simply there are many other programs out there that only allow a certain number of COM ports.

To get around this, we'll take to dive into Device Manger.

Open Device Manger, and expand the ports tab.

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At present correct-click on the port you desire to alter. Select Properties.

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In Backdrop, go to Port Settings, and select Advanced.

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Here, you'll see a drop down menu with all the bachelor COM ports in it. Some of them will have (in use) next to them. These are the ports that accept been assigned to a series device.

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Find that COM ix doesn't accept an (in use) adjacent to it because that is the port we are currently working with.

If we wanted to change COM ix to COM 3, we simply select COM iii in this menu, and click OK. The (in utilize) adjacent to COM 3 should go away. Whatever was connected to COM nine is now associated with COM 3, and whatever was associated with COM 3 has now been overwritten.

If you need to articulate out some old COM ports, you can follow the steps in a higher place but for numerous COM ports.

Warning: Practice not select COM 1 when cleaning up old ports. This trick is only for if you really need information technology and shouldn't be performed very often, for sanity'south sake.

TTY vs CU (Mac, Linux)

In Unix and Linux environments, each serial advice port has two parts to it, a tty.* and a cu.*. When yous look at your ports in say the Arduino IDE, you'll see both for one port.

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The difference between the two is that a TTY device is used to call into a device/system, and the CU device (call-upward) is used to telephone call out of a device/organization. Thus, this allows for two-way advice at the same fourth dimension (full-duplex). This is more than important to know if you are doing network communications through a last or other program, just it is still a question that comes up frequently. Just know that, for the purposes of this tutorial, always employ the tty selection for series advice.

Cannot Connect to That Port!

You can only accept one connection to a particular port open up at any given time (but you can have multiple terminal windows continued to different ports open at the same time). Thus, if you lot have an Arduino Serial Monitor window open and try to connect to that same port on a different terminal program, it volition yell at you and say it could not plant a connection with that port or some such jazz. If you are ever having trouble connecting to a port, make certain it'due south not open somewhere else.

If you don't have another connection open and notwithstanding tin't connect, brand sure all your settings (baud rate, etc.) are right.

Connected, But Can't See Any Information

If yous are continued to the correct port but don't see whatever information, there are two possible culprits. First check your baud rate. I know I sound similar a cleaved record, merely baud rate is the virtually important setting to lucifer up. Check that baud!

The other culprit could be that the TX and RX lines are reversed. Make certain yous have TX->RX and RX->TX.

Programming Arduino and Series Communication

The Arduino has 1 defended UART, which is merely the fancy name for the serial TX and RX lines. It is over these 2 lines that the Arduino gets programmed. Thus, when working with the Arduino (or other microcontrollers) it'south best to avert using these lines to communicate with other serial devices, especially if you are developing your lawmaking and demand to upload frequently.

What happens is, if you have some other device hooked upwards to the UART, the data from your estimator might not go interpreted correctly by the Arduino leading to lawmaking not working the way information technology'southward supposed to or not getting uploaded at all.

The same rule applies to serial terminals. If y'all take a terminal open on the same port that you are trying to program, it won't work. Arduino will throw some errors about not being able to communicate with that port. If this happens, close your connection, and try again.

I simple way around this is to utilise the Software Series Library built into Arduino to create a separate UART for outside serial communication. That manner, your Arduino can communicate on one port while all the same leaving the default UART open for programming.

Resources and Going Further

That was a lot of information! At the very least, you should walk away from this knowing what a terminal window is, how to use it, which terminal program is best suited for you lot and your operating system, and how to navigate that programme'southward interface. Again, last programs are a very powerful tool when working with serial devices and microcontrollers. Now go collect some information!

If y'all'd like to know more about different types of communication, visit these tutorials:

  • Serial Peripheral Interface
  • I2C

To meet some products that require the employ of a serial terminal, check out these hook-up guides:

  • OpenLog Hookup Guide
  • Bluetooth Mate and BlueSMiRF Hookup
  • RN-52 Audio Bluetooth Hookup

Or check out this blog related post:

Your favorite last didn't make the list? Tell u.s.a. which last emulator is your favorite and why in the word department.


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