
How To Find Out Ap Test Scores


What is the best way to apply AP score calculators? In this post we volition discuss how to get the most out of them—and when yous shouldn't use them at all.


Where Do I Get an AP Score Calculator?

Before nosotros talk virtually the best ways to use score calculators, you need to learn where to discover one for your particular AP class!

Each AP exam uses a different scoring system. There are no "official" AP score calculators released by College Board, so teachers and test prep companies take to make their ain.

To become an AP score calculator, first talk to your teacher—AP teachers ofttimes have a formula they use for grading practice tests.

If your teacher doesn't accept 1 or y'all're cocky-studying, get a prep book for your AP form. Prep books written for individual tests will always accept a score calculator.

Finally, expect online—many websites have approximate score calculators you can use for each AP class.

A give-and-take of caution: all score calculators are approximations since the scaling of an AP test changes yr to year to keep the difficulty level the same. For instance, 100 points could be enough for a 5 one yr, but in the adjacent twelvemonth information technology would only get a iv. We'll talk about how to compensate for that below.

Our Reckoner Example: AP English Language and Composition

Throughout this post we'll be using AP English Language and Limerick every bit an example as we talk about score calculators. Information technology's the most popular AP test currently. Over 500,000 students took it in 2014!

At that place are 55 possible multiple choice points (1 point per question) worth 45% of your score, and 3 essays (worth nine points each) for 27 possible points worth 55% of your score.

This is the calculator nosotros are using:

(Multiple Choice Score x ane.23) + (Essays x 3.05) = Total Score

That full score is translated to the concluding composite AP score of 1-5 similar so:

  • 5: 104-150
  • 4: 92-103
  • iii: 76-91
  • ii: 50-75
  • 1: 0-49

It seems a bit complicated, only once y'all get used to the formula it'due south easy to use, and it tin can aid you design a target score for the AP test. Using this calculator, we'll now explore the do'south and don'ts of using AP score calculators.


Do's Of Using Score Calculators

Grade Your Exercise Exams With Them

Nosotros highly recommend taking the extra step of grading any practise AP tests you lot accept. Getting a predicted 1-5 AP score is a swell way to go a snapshot of how yous're shaping upwards to do on the exam. So instead of only getting a complimentary response and multiple choice raw score, yous can put those scores in context and get an idea of how much they need to improve earlier test mean solar day.

To use AP English every bit an example, if you took a exercise test and got a 30/55 on multiple choice and 12/27 on the essays, you might exist discouraged.

But using the figurer, you find you lot get a concluding score of 73—which is only a few points away from passing! Which isn't so shabby for a practice test. Then instead of feeling disappointed, you can figure out exactly how much you lot need to better to pass your next practice examination.

You tin can also get a sense of how much score improvements will help y'all. To utilise our example, you lot might realize "If I go from a 4 to a 6 on all my essays, I could not simply pass, just get a 4 overall!" (If you got xxx/55 on multiple choice and eighteen/27 on the essays, you would get a total score of 92, which would but barely get you a iv.)

This helps you lot create manageable comeback goals. Call back, you don't demand to become every single point on an AP exam to get a 5. And you certainly don't need every single betoken to laissez passer.

Come up Upward With a Detailed Target Score


AP score calculators let you to understand both the multiple pick and complimentary response scores you demand for sure terminal AP scores. This tin can help y'all determine where to focus your studying efforts. You might go for all-around improvement, or you could target your studying on just the complimentary response or multiple selection.

On AP English language Language, if you're going for a v, y'all could become for near-perfect essays and have more wiggle room on multiple selection, or go for nearly-perfect multile option and aim for centre-of-the-road essays.

For example, if you become 8s on all your essays and 35/55 on multiple option, y'all would get a 115 total score, which is pretty comfortably a 5. On the flipside, if you got 6s on your essays and 50/55 on multiple choice, you would likewise get a 115 total score.

This allows you to play to your strengths on the AP exam -- and not overwhelm yourself trying to be perfect at everything. If you're a strong author, y'all could aim for 8s on your essays and not worry most making your multiple choice score perfect. Or if you're corking at taking multiple choice tests, you could aim for a 50 on multiple selection and try and brand your essays decent. In short, y'all don't have to burn yourself out if you use a score calculator to gear up target scores for each section.

Go For Consistency

Don't take one practice exam, calculate a five using the score calculator, and stop studying. Utilize the score estimator every time you practice, and brand an attempt to have at least ii or three full-length do exams before the real thing.

Also try your hardest on practice free response questions and multiple choice sections your instructor may assign in form.

Why? Especially when it comes to essays, you could be in trouble if you're hitting with an essay that you're not well-equipped to answer. If you stop studying after you get a 5 on one practise exam, you won't exist prepared for any the AP test throws at you. But by practicing consistently can you be adequately prepared or whatever questions appear on the AP exam.

By practicing a lot, you brand sure that 5 is all-but-guaranteed, non just a fluke. In curt, exercise makes perfect—or at least it makes 5s!

Looking for help studying for your AP examination?

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Get a 5 On Your AP Exam

Don'ts of Using AP Score Calculators

Don't Utilize Them Too Early in the Twelvemonth


Don't worry near practicing for AP exams in the fall!

There is no signal in taking and grading a do AP exam early on in the year. That would be like taking a final test for a class before winter break! You still have a lot to acquire, so taking an exam early on would only stress you out. The score calculators are best used to inform yous how you're shaping up to do on the exam, so using them too early volition demoralize yous.

Yous shouldn't expect yourself to be able to tackle the AP exam earlier the beginning semester is over! Peculiarly on the hardest exams. Wait until the start semester is over earlier taking do exams and grading them.

Don't Panic If You lot Don't Get the Scores You Want in Practice

Fifty-fifty though information technology tin can exist frustrating to become a ane or 2 on a practice exam, don't despair. Recall that you're practicing to find your weak points and improve them. Getting a low score in practise can be good considering it shows you mistakes you are apt to brand so you can learn from them.

Call back of it this style: any mistake you brand while practicing is one yous won't make on the real matter as long as you study.

Even if you get a one or a two on a practice examination, that doesn't mean you're doomed to fail on the existent thing. The key is to analyze your mistakes so you can acquire from them and improve for the real AP exam.

Don't Assume AP Score Calculators are 100% Authentic

Simply put, they're not! Equally we discussed in a higher place, they can but approximate your real score.

Since AP tests are equated each year then scores are consistent, a raw score that'southward skilful enough for a 5 on one exam could only be practiced enough for a 4 on another.

This ways when setting target scores, be generous. For case, if y'all're going for a v, don't just exercise for the lowest possible raw score that could piece of work according to your estimator—aim for many points above that!

For AP English, nosotros would set the five threshold 10 points higher, 114. We would set the passing threshold (a score of 3) at 86 instead of 76. By doing this, we leave wiggle room for year-to-year test scaling differences and unexpected mistakes you might make on the examination.

Lesser Line

AP Calculators are an first-class tool to help y'all get the about out of your AP test practice and set up smart target scores. But beware of using them too early on, and don't allow them make you complacent!

What'due south Next?

Learn more nearly AP: how long exams are, how they're scored, and how many AP classes yous should take.

Also studying for the ACT/Sat? Get the latest tips from our practiced writers on each section: SAT Math, Reading, and Writing, or ACT English, Math, Reading, and Science.

Did yous already take the ACT/Saturday? Find out if yous should retake the exam.

One of the single nearly important parts of your college application is what classes y'all cull to take in high school (in conjunction with how well you do in those classes). Our team of PrepScholar admissions experts have compiled their knowledge into this single guide to planning out your high schoolhouse course schedule. We'll propose you on how to residue your schedule betwixt regular and honors/AP/IB courses, how to cull your extracurriculars, and what classes y'all can't afford not to have.

Plan Your Course Schedule

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Almost the Author

Halle Edwards graduated from Stanford Academy with honors. In loftier school, she earned 99th percentile Deed scores besides as 99th percentile scores on SAT subject tests. She also took nine AP classes, earning a perfect score of 5 on seven AP tests. As a graduate of a large public high school who tackled the higher admission process largely on her own, she is passionate about helping loftier school students from different backgrounds get the knowledge they need to exist successful in the college admissions process.


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