
how to find a job on linkedin

There'southward an old saying that goes something like, "A great website that is not promoted is similar a billboard stored in your basement." This sentiment reminds me of LinkedIn members who take strong profiles but are invisible. For those figuring out how to use LinkedIn to find a chore, they must consider what a successful LinkedIn entrada consists of.

A successful LinkedIn campaign consists not simply of a strong profile, it also includes building a targeted network and engaging with your connections. Annihilation less will non garner the results you lot desire, will not help in your job search. Let'south look in greater detail at these three components.

Create a Strong LinkedIn Profile

Information technology goes without saying that a potent profile is essential to your LinkedIn entrada. It is, afterwards all, what expresses the value you will deliver to employers. In that location are a few basic tenets to follow when constructing a profile:

  • It must be complete. This ways having a background image, caput shot photo, headline, summary, detailed feel department, education, your strongest skills, and other sections LinkedIn allows.
  • It must show employers the value you'll bring to them through accomplishments relevant to your industry and occupation; similar to your resume.
  • It's not your resume. This is a mistake many job seekers make. They simply copy and paste their resume to their contour and exit at that.
  • It must be optimized to attract visitors, such as recruiters, through LinkedIn Search.
  • It must show your personality. Wait at your contour as a networking online certificate. Write your profile in first-person indicate of view; perhaps tertiary person just if you feel it fits your personality.

Try Jobscan's LinkedIn Optimization tool for personalized tips for your profile.

LinkedIn optimization for your headline

Build a Targeted LinkedIn Network

I recall a client of mine who had a stiff contour but was only connected to fourscore people. When I told her she needed to connect with more people, she told me she only wanted to connect with people she knows.

Herein lies the problem: people need to connect with others they don't know in gild to get to know them. If you are someone who doesn't embrace the concept of connecting with targeted people, your LinkedIn campaign will be a bust.

Who exercise you lot connect with on LinkedIn? Let's wait at some of the people with whom yous should connect past tier:

Connect with Old Colleagues

Your offset tier will consist of those you lot previously worked with, as they know your functioning and probably volition take an invested interest in your success. Many chore seekers rely on their former colleagues as referrals to land their adjacent job.

Connect with Industry Peers

Your 2nd tier of connections should be people who share the same occupation and industry. You'll accept more in mutual with them than the other tiers. Permit's say y'all're an accountant in the manufacturing industry. Information technology makes mutual sense to connect with others like you. They may know of opportunities and provide groovy leads, particularly if they're currently working.

Connect with Conclusion Makers and Influencers at Target Companies

Your third tier can be maybe the nigh valuable one– if you're willing to do your research on companies for which you'd like to work. You will connect with people within those companies before jobs are advertised. This will give you lot allies in those companies.

Engaging with Your Connections on LinkedIn

We're all familiar with the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind." When it comes to engaging with your connections, your goal is to go on your network thriving in gild to be top of listen.

This takes some work that many LinkedIn users are unwilling to do. I ask my clients to dedicate at to the lowest degree xx minutes a day, four days a week to LinkedIn. If they're practiced, every day is what I suggest. (Eye rolls.) But I'yard quick to say it'southward not difficult. For example, one can share:

  • an commodity that adds value to your network
  • an update offering communication or asking a question that elicits nifty responses
  • a photo with a witty caption
  • a shout-out to your connections

Mark Anthony Dyson, career consultant and creator of the popular chore search podcast The Vocalism of Task Seekers, sees engagement as something that tin can't be taken lightly. "Every bit nosotros consider how important engagement is," he says, "I call back the tone of a user'south messaging (including responses to group posts) matters. People want to be valued and feel safe. Share and offering advice, opinion, or bulletin without making anyone feel undervalued."

Ane final point I'd like to brand: refrain from sharing "Facebook content" with your connections. Nigh them won't appreciate it.

Go Across LinkedIn

Having a great profile, connecting on LinkedIn, and engaging with your network is not enough. While you can reach out to many people online, your connections won't be bona fide until you attain out and touch on them in a personal way—perhaps make a phone phone call, Skype with them, or meet them in person.

Donna Serdula, an authority on LinkedIn profiles and author of LinkedIn Contour Optimization for Dummies, sums upwards your LinkedIn campaign nicely: "It's true that success on LinkedIn hinges upon an optimized, strategic profile, simply that's non all! In gild to be establish on LinkedIn, you need a strong, robust network. In order to be seen, you need to have an engaging feed of posts, comments, shares, and articles. In gild to be sought afterwards, you demand to add value, inspire others, and have fun."

LinkedIn Job Search FAQ

What should I say on LinkedIn when looking for a job?

To bespeak that you are job seeking, you can add a few words to your LinkedIn headline along the lines of "experienced X professional currently seeking new opportunities."

How exercise you get recruiters to notice you on LinkedIn?

To go recruiters' attention, be proactive! Don't but await for them to attain out to you. Instead, do your enquiry and connect with them. Transport a connection asking and make certain to add together a personalized notation. For example, compliment them on an article they wrote or even ask them a question about the visitor they represent. The important matter is to beginning a conversation with them and make sure yous are memorable.

How should a beginner utilize LinkedIn?

After setting up their LinkedIn accounts with the advice shared above, beginners should focus on networking and sending connection requests. Again, be proactive! You lot want to get your name out at that place, make genuine connections with those in your industry, and participate in conversations happening in your feed.

Boosted Resources: How to Use LinkedIn to Notice a Chore

  • Optimize your profile with LinkedIn Optimization
  • 10 Impactful LinkedIn Headline Examples from Real People
  • How to Write a LinkedIn Summary

Bob McIntosh, Career Coach

Bob McIntosh, CPRW, is a career trainer who leads more than than fifteen job search workshops at an urban career center. Chore seekers and staff look to him for advice on the job search. In addition, Bob has gained a reputation as a LinkedIn say-so in the customs. He has reviewed and written hundreds of LinkedIn profiles. Bob's greatest pleasure is helping people find rewarding careers in a competitive job marketplace.


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